1- Copy the relevant script according to your installation type:
On-Premise or on Amazon RDS
2- The created user name must be “aimbetter”. Any other user, even with administrator credentials, won’t be able to collect the information from the monitored Oracle server.
3- The user that runs the scripts to create the aimbetter user must have sysdba privileges.
4- Substitute aimbetterpw
in the scripts with your choice of password.
5- The scripts consider the default Oracle users tablespace named users. If your Oracle database has another name for this tablespace, substitute users
in the scripts with the correct tablespace name.
On-Premise Oracle – Create Monitor User Script
create user aimbetter IDENTIFIED BY aimbetterpw; /*substitute aimbetterpw with your password*/
grant connect, select any dictionary to aimbetter;
grant create table to aimbetter;
grant create procedure to aimbetter;
grant execute on dbms_lock to aimbetter;
grant create any directory to aimbetter;
grant create type to aimbetter;
grant create procedure to aimbetter;
grant execute on utl_file to aimbetter;
alter user aimbetter quota 10G on users;
REM Grant Create Job to aimbetter;
Amazon RDS Oracle – Create Monitor User Script
create user aimbetter IDENTIFIED BY aimbetterpw /*substitute aimbetterpw with your password*/
default tablespace users
temporary tablespace TEMP;
grant connect, select any dictionary to aimbetter;
grant create table to aimbetter;
grant create procedure to aimbetter;
grant execute on dbms_lock to aimbetter;
grant execute on rdsadmin.rdsadmin_util to aimbetter;
grant create type to aimbetter;
grant create procedure to aimbetter;
grant execute on utl_file to aimbetter;
alter user aimbetter quota 10G on users;
REM Grant Create Job to aimbetter;
For information about establishing a connection to the Oracle Database from Windows, click here.