1- Copy the relevant script according to your installation type:
On-Premise or on Amazon RDS
2- The user name must be “aimbetter”. Any other user, even with administrator credentials, won’t be able to collect the information from the monitored Oracle server.
On-Premise Oracle – Create Monitor User Script
Establish a connection to the Oracle Database, copy and run the following script on your Oracle with sysdba permissions:
create user aimbetter IDENTIFIED BY aimbetterpw;
grant connect, select any dictionary to aimbetter;
grant create table to aimbetter;
grant create procedure to aimbetter;
grant execute on dbms_lock to aimbetter;
grant create any directory to aimbetter;
grant create type to aimbetter;
grant create procedure to aimbetter;
grant execute on utl_file to aimbetter;
alter user aimbetter quota 10G on users;
REM Grant Create Job to aimbetter;
Amazon RDS Oracle – Create Monitor User Script
Establish a connection to the Oracle Database, copy and run the following script on your Oracle with sysdba permissions:
create user aimbetter IDENTIFIED BY aimbetterpw
default tablespace users
temporary tablespace TEMP;
grant connect, select any dictionary to aimbetter;
grant create table to aimbetter;
grant create procedure to aimbetter;
grant execute on dbms_lock to aimbetter;
grant execute on rdsadmin.rdsadmin_util to aimbetter;
grant create type to aimbetter;
grant create procedure to aimbetter;
grant execute on utl_file to aimbetter;
alter user aimbetter quota 10G on users;
REM Grant Create Job to aimbetter;
For information about establishing a connection to the Oracle Database from Windows, click here.