If you are not receiving expected notifications, there is probably some Notification setting that should be corrected.
Possible causes:
- The e-mail set in the Notification menu is not correct.

- The alert was scheduled for a specific period beyond which it was not sent.
The default configuration is for receiving every day – all days are active (in yellow) – all times, from 00:00 until 23:59.

Notice: If all the weekdays are deactivated, this recipient won’t receive any alert.
Any time an alert is raised outside the scheduled time, the recipient won’t be notified by e-mail, seeing the alert only on the Home tab of the AimBetter UI.
- The alert occurred in a level or module not set for the recipient.
For example, If the button beside the “Queries” and “Change Tracking” modules are “off”, any alert related to these modules won’t be sent.

Check our Notification setting guide for a detailed explanation of how to set the notifications.