No Data

No data at all

If there is no data at all on the AimBetter console it may be related to the following reasons: 1-...

Home Module – No Data

If there is no data on the Home Tab, it may be related to the following reasons: 1 – The...

Performance Module – No Data

If there is no data on the Performance Module after updating the AimBetter Agent, it may be related to the...

Analyze Tab – No data or inconsistent data

The Analyze tab is a feature available for monitoring Windows servers only. If no data is in the Analyze tab...

Queries Module – No data about the Client’s Process and CPU usage

The AimBetter Agent user needs to have the necessary permissions to the client’s computer WMI in order to obtain information...

Web Module – IIS – No data in AppPools and Websites Tabs

Check the IIS module Open the IIS (Internet Information Services ) Manager, select the server name and click on Modules: Check if AimBetter_Requests...