Analyze Tab – No data or inconsistent data


Update the AimBetter Agent as the first measure.

If no data is in the Analyze tab after updating the AimBetter Agent, proceed with the following checks and procedures.

1- Settings Checks

The first step is to make the following checks:

2- Server_Performance Task

When AimBetter Agent is working properly, a set of files from which Aimbetter pools the HTML report must exist.

To check these files’ existence:

1. Enter the path  C:\PerfLogs\Server\Server_Performance

2. If there’s a folder in this path, check the existence of XML and HTML file types out of 5 files in this folder

3. Go to Computer Management (right click -> run as administrator) -> Performance -> Data Collector Sets -> User Defined and look for the task “Server_Performance”

4. “Server_Performance” must be the only task in this file. If there are other tasks, they may interfere and should be deleted.

5. This task is re-created each time the AimBetter Agent Service is restarted.

6. After any changes, restart the AimBetter Agent Service and go back to all the above checks.


The files in the C:\PerfLogs\Server\Server_Performance are automatically deleted and re-created by the AimBetter Agent every 5 minutes.

If these files are not being refreshed, send the Aimbetter folder logs to our support team. Click here to get the steps to send these logs.

3- Server_Performance Debug

Here are some possible troubleshooting solutions for when there is some issue with the “Server_Performance” task.

Right-click the “Server_Performance” task and click on “Start.”

1- If you receive the following error:

On the Windows start button, search for Task Scheduler -> Task Scheduler Library -> Microsoft -> Windows -> PLA.

Right-click on the job “server_performance,” click on “End,” and then “Run.”

2- If you receive the following error: “The operator is already in use”

Go to Computer Management (right click -> run as administrator) -> Performance -> Data Collector Sets -> Event Trace Sessions.

Search for NT Kernel Logger, right-click, and stop.

See that the status changes to “stopped.”

4- WMI Counter Reset

Finally, the problem with the Analyze tab may be related to the WMI counters.

If this is the case, you should delete the Server_Performance file,

, open the CMD (command prompt program) as administrator, and run the following scripts:

Script 1

cd c:\windows\system32
     lodctr /R

Script 2

 cd c:\windows\sysWOW64
     lodctr /R

Run one script at a time and then restart the AimBetter Agent Service.

5- User Permissions

In some specific Windows Server versions, the user who runs the AimBetter Agent Service must have admin permission in the monitored service’s local environment to collect the Analyze Tab data.

In this case, change the Windows OS user in the AimBetter Agent Configuration program to a user with these strong credentials.

6- AimBetter folder logs

If all the previous checks and procedures didn’t solve this issue, follow the instructions to send the AimBetter folder logs to our support team.

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